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Lunchföreläsning om framtidens energisystem!

Hur möjliggör vi framtidens energisystem i en omvärld med ökande risker och hot? Den frågan kommer du få svar på av Anders Hansson, säkerhetsrådgivare inom kritisk infrastruktur på Sectra Communications, under en lunchföreläsning den 31/3 på Luleå Science Park. Du kan också lyssna på föreläsningen digitalt. För mer information om föreläsningen eller för att anmäla dig, besök den officiella hemsidan för eventet.

Solutions for critical infrastructure
Solutions for critical infrastructure

Managed detection and response

We ensure the visibility required for early risk and threat detection so that the continuity of your operations is not jeopardized. With a few network sensors and well-chosen log sources, we can ensure that in just a matter of days you will achieve visibility and management of security risks that authorities demand for critical infrastructure. Our security analysts and incident responders will be available for your operations in our round-the-clock security operation center (SOC) that specializes in ICS/SCADA.

Network monitoring and detection

With this detection technology your industrial control system (ICS) network traffic will be identified and analyzed to minimize risks that could constitute a threat against maintaining continuity in operations. This capability detects deviations in the networks by using a monitoring service that reacts proactively to potential threats and risks. Therefore, measures can be taken before the deviations can lead to serious consequences.

Log monitoring and detection

Security-critical log events are with this detection technology collected from various critical systems in operations (e.g. from IT/OT networks, switches, firewalls and servers). All information on security-critical events—suspicious login attempts, for example—are grouped, and a picture of a potential threat or incident in progress can be rapidly obtained by correlating data from many different sources.

Incident response

From protected locations in a 24/7 security operations center (SOC), all the information from the different detection capabilities is gathered and analyzed. The traffic is first analyzed in advanced systems, then Sectra’s security analysts take over in the event of an incident to dig deeper and deal with the incident so that operations can quickly return to normal.

We assist you in your evaluation of the incident and contribute expertise, experience and analysis methods. Sectra’s team of analysts and incident responders are always available by telephone.

Sectra risk and security assessment

Sectra risk and security assessment provides a good overview of strengths and weaknesses in your organization’s ability to detect, manage and protect against security related risks. Sectra will help in identifying risks that may affect the ability to deliver critical services, and lists actionable recommendations to help you mitigate the risks.

Our recommendations include:

  • Physical and IT/OT-related security measures
  • Organizational measures
  • Improvements to processes and policies

We understand the value of balancing security against asset value and will support you in adequately mitigating risk without overinvesting.

Strategisk samarbetspartner

Sectra har över 40 års erfarenhet inom säker kommunikation och cybersäkerhet, och är en ledande MSSP, managed security service provider, för kritisk säkerhet inom energi-, vatten- och processindustrin.

I samarbete med våra kunder levererar vi den bästa säkerheten, anpassat efter kundens resurser och behov. Vi arbetar tätt tillsammans med kunden för att bygga upp en balanserad säkerhet över tid – tillsammans med våra kunder möter vi det nya normalläget.

Solutions on display

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