Search result for "sectra tiger"

Sectra Tiger service for Dutch ministries
All Dutch ministries have used Sectra’s secure communications service since 2007. It is the Ministry of the Interior that coordinates the allotment and use. The service comprises the full Sectra Tig...
Case | Secure Communication
Sectra Tiger protects NATO secrets from eavesdropping
NATO is using the secure communication solution Sectra Tiger/S to share classified information up to and including the NATO SECRET classification level. The solution from Sectra has been developed und...
Case | Secure Communication
Product | Secure Communication
Sectra Tiger encrypts Dutch national secrets
Sectra and the Dutch Ministry of Defense have a framework agreement for secure communication systems since 2004. It includes the use and service of both the Sectra Tiger/S 7401 mobile phone and Sectra...
Case | Secure Communication
45 years of knowledge and passion
Sectra carried out its first consulting assignment in the late 1970s. A few years later, the company recruited additional joint owners with grand visions for Sectra’s future. This marked the start o...
Product | Secure Communication
The DALO Industry Days
We invite you to visit Sectra at The DALO Industry Days in Ballerup Super Arena, Denmark, where we will showcase our innovative solutions, including our quantum-proof and approved mobile encryption sy...
Event | Secure Communication
CYBERSEC Expo & Forum
Join us at the CYBERSEC Expo & Forum in Kraków, Poland, and discover how Sectra’s trusted solutions for secure communications can help you safely exchange classified information. Our cuttin...
Event | Secure Communication
Future Land Forces
Join us at the conference Future Land Forces in Warsaw, Poland, and discover how Sectra’s trusted solutions for secure communications can help you safely exchange classified information. Our cut...
Event | Secure Communication
Join us at NATO Edge, NATO’s largest exhibition of technology, where we will showcase our cutting-edge solutions for secure communications. Stop by our stand and explore Sectra Tiger/S and Sectr...
Event | Secure Communication
We invite you to visit Sectra at Digiturvallisuus on March 30 2023 in Jyväskylä, Finland, where we will showcase our solutions for secure mobile communications that in an efficient way enable you to...
Event | Secure Communication
Sikkerhetsfestivalen 2024
We invite you to visit Sectra at Sikkerhetsfestivalen 2024—Norway’s largest meeting place for cybersecurity—where we will demonstrate our innovative solutions for secure communications, such...
Event | Secure Communication
NEDS, the NIDV Exhibition Defence & Security, is the largest event for the Defence and Security industry in the Netherlands. For more information about the event and to register, visit the officia...
Event | Secure Communication
European Cyber Security Conference
The European Cyber Security Conference returns to Brussels & Online this March for its 9th Edition! Gathering leading policy-makers, industry players, high level cybersecurity and defense experts....
Event | Secure Communication
Product | Secure Communication
Product | Secure Communication
Privacy and cookie policy
Sectra recognizes and respects the importance of privacy for visitors to our websites. This policy provides an account of the cookies used on our websites and the personal data we collect. Although Se...
Sectra Communications is headquartered in Linköping, Sweden, and operates through offices and representatives in several European countries. Please select your country or nearby location for contact...
Product | Managed detection and response
Safeguarding anonymity through obfuscation technologies
Many countries are experiencing a decline in democracy. Meanwhile, attacks on mobile devices are becoming more sophisticated, and advances in AI technology have made it easier to monitor the vast amou...
Articles | Secure Communication
Product | Advisory services
Di Cybersäkerhet
Du är varmt välkommen att besöka Sectras monter på Di Cybersäkerhet den 11 april! Vi ser fram emot att ses på Operaterrassen, Kungliga Operan, där våra experter från Sectra finns på plats. U...
Event | Secure Communication | Critical Infrastructure
Mötesplats Samhällssäkerhet
Du är varmt välkommen att besöka vår monter C:24 på Mötesplats Samhällssäkerhet 2024. Vi ser fram emot att ses på Kistamässan, där vi gärna diskuterar hur vi tillsammans kan arbeta för et...
Event | Secure Communication | Critical Infrastructure
Dagen för säkra kommunikationer
Du är varmt välkommen att besöka vår monter på eventet Dagen för säkra kommunikationer. Eventet anordnas av MSB och programmet är anpassat till att det säkerhetspolitiska läget har förändr...
Event | Secure Communication | Critical Infrastructure
Protecting Norwegian government agencies from eavesdropping
In 2017 the Norwegian Armed Forces ordered Sectra Tiger for officials in the Norwegian defense and civil authorities.
Case | Secure Communication
Product | Secure Communication
At this year’s SEC-T cybersecurity conference in Stockholm, Sweden. We are thrilled to showcase our cutting-edge products, providing conference attendees the opportunity to experience our cybers...
Event | Managed detection and response
We invite you to visit Sectra at Paranoia 2022—one of the largest cybersecurity conferences in the Nordics—where we will demonstrate our 24/7/365 solution for critical infrastructure as well as ou...
Event | Managed detection and response
Product | Managed detection and response
Secure communications for international cooperation
In 2010, the Council of the European Union decided to deploy Sectra Tiger for eavesdrop-secure telephony. Users include decision-makers, high-ranking officials and military forces in Europe.
Case | Secure Communication
Product | Secure Communication
Di Energi
Du är varmt välkommen att besöka Sectras monter på Di Energi den 26 november 2024! Vi ser fram emot att ses på Grand Hôtel, där våra experter finns på plats hela dagen för att diskutera utma...
Event | Managed detection and response
Sectra Stealth Connect
Keep your devices secure and work safely wherever you find open network connectivity, from your own home to your travel destination, without exposing your personal information. The Sectra Stealth Conn...
Certifications and approvals
Sectra’s solutions for secure communications are assessed and approved by security authorities in several countries as well as by the EU and NATO. Such impartial certifications provide assurance tha...
Page | Secure Communication
Product | Secure Communication
Product | Managed detection and response
How can you make sure a voice call is truly authentic?
While deepfake technology in itself seems to be harmless, it can become a dangerous tool in the wrong hands. During a phone call, the human voice is one of the most natural ways to authenticate the pe...
Articles | Secure Communication
SCADA Säkerhet
Möt oss på SCADA-Säkerhet och uppdatera dig gällande det senaste inom IoT, OT- och cybersäkerhet. Kom förbi vår monter i Kista Science Tower den 17–18 september och träffa våra experter som...
Event | Critical Infrastructure
Product | Secure Communication
Secure communication — Technology only half the picture
Cyberthreats are here to stay, with attacks becoming increasingly common and sophisticated. Secure communication requires a combination of effective technical solutions and an understanding among user...
Articles | Secure Communication
Changes in behavior mean stricter cyber security requirements
The coronavirus crisis has turned a lot of things upside down in society, and cyber criminals have not been slow to exploit the situation. According to several IT security companies, there are clear c...
Industry reflections | Secure Communication | Critical Infrastructure
It’s time to bring security assessments to the board table
While managing risks is a must, proactive security often gets forgotten. Sectra Communications—a company with over 40 years of experience in encryption, secure communications and monitoring of criti...
Industry reflections | Secure Communication | Critical Infrastructure
Securing the energy systems of tomorrow
As local, smaller energy systems are connected into larger decentralized clusters, they become attractive targets for cyberattacks. The ongoing energy transition and increased electrification of our s...
Articles | Critical Infrastructure | Secure Communication
Quantum technology can decipher encryption, but hope is not lost
Quantum technology and its theoretical impact on computer performance has been talked about for a long time, but the debate gained new impetus in October last year when Google’s Sycamore quantum com...
Articles | Secure Communication
Encryption for JAS 39 Gripen
In 2006, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) commissioned Sectra to develop a customized telemetry encryption system to be used during test flights of the aircraft. The encryption system...
Case | Secure Communication
Strategic partnership with energy company
In 2016, Sectra entered into a strategic partnership with a Swedish energy company for increased security of critical IT systems. Within this partnership, Sectra’s services for monitoring IT/OT...
Case | Managed detection and response
Managing risk—ensuring business continuity
Since 2018, a major company in critical infrastructure uses Sectra’s monitoring service for critical process systems.
Case | Managed detection and response
Accelerating digitization and the virtual power plants of the future
We all know that digitization has been ongoing in society for quite some time. One of the challenges involved in this change in critical operations, such as electricity and water suppliers, is the dig...
Articles | Critical Infrastructure | Secure Communication
Cyber Challenge
Den 9 februari är det dags för årets upplaga av Cyber Challenge, och även i år finns Sectra på plats som domare i tävlingen! Missa inte vår forskningschefs, Niklas Johansson, inspirationsföre...
Event | Managed detection and response
Varför MDR som en tjänst – Tre frågor och svar
För att minska risken för intrång i kritiska system finns en rad åtgärder en organisation kan göra. Högt upp på listan av åtgärder finns monitorering av de kritiska systemen – men varför...
Cybersecurity—the present situation and future challenges
A crisis creates unexpected challenges. In this article, we will examine the present situation and the pandemic’s effect on cybersecurity in Sweden and internationally. We will also look ahead and t...
Articles | Critical Infrastructure | Secure Communication
MWC – Mobile World Congress
We are looking forward to meet in Barcelona in 2025 for Mobile World Congress! Meet us at the Netherlands Pavilion, where we will showcase our solutions for secure communications that in an efficient...
Event | Secure Communication
Cybersäkerhet för energisektorn
Moderna samhällen är beroende av säker och tillförlitlig drift av verksamheter inom kritisk infrastruktur, som energiförsörjning och processindustri. Den ökande digitaliseringen leder till att...
Product | Managed detection and response
Logga och analysera data för kritiska IT/OT system
Med ständigt ökande krav på digitalisering och integration av olika kritiska system, medföljer också en ökad risk i form av både oavsiktliga och avsiktliga incidenter. Detta gör att industriel...
Enabling a proactive approach to risks and threats
A Swedish healthcare region used Sectra’s risk and security assessment to ensure that relevant security mechanisms were in place to enable a proactive approach to risks and threats, thereby crea...
Case | Advisory services
Cybersäkerhet för samhällsviktiga verksamheter
Leif Nixon har arbetat med IT-säkerhet i alla dess former i 20 år. Han har både hackat och försvarat det mesta, från termostater till superdatorer. Idag är han säkerhetsexpert på Sectra Commun...
Cybersikkerhet for samfunnskritiske virksomheter
Leif Nixon har jobbet med IT-sikkerhet i alle sine former i 20 år. Han har både hacket og forsvart det meste, fra termostater til superdatamaskiner. I dag er han sikkerhetsekspert i Sectra Communica...
Hvorfor MDR som en tjeneste – tre spørsmål og svar
Det finnes flere alternative måter en organisasjon kan minimere angrep mot sine virksomhetskritiske systemer. Høyt på prioriteringslisten kommer monitorering av kritiske produksjonssystem – men h...
Detect and adapt to today’s cyber threats
It is crucial for critical infrastructure operations that their ability to detect cybersecurity-related threats and risks is in line with a threat scenario that is constantly changing. This is extreme...
Articles | Critical Infrastructure
Den accelererande digitaliseringen och framtidens virtuella kraftverk
Vi vet alla att digitaliseringen av samhället har pågått under en längre tid. En av utmaningarna under denna förändring för kritiska verksamheter, som till exempel aktörer inom el- och vatteni...
Cybersäkerhet för framtidens resilienta energigemenskaper
Samhällets ökande grad av elektrifiering och behovet av förnyelsebara energikällor har en stor inverkan på infrastrukturen och elförsörjningen. Med volatila energikällor blir behovet av flexib...
Encryption solutions for the Swedish Defence
Sectra has developed several encryption products and systems for the Swedish Defence since the early 90’s. Initially the systems were adapted to specific needs for the various defence services (navy...
Case | Secure Communication
Industry segments
Collaboration between military and civil defense, industry and the critical infrastructure providing vital societal services is central in maintaining a stable and secure society. By supporting actors...
The attack towards Norsk Hydro ASA
Norwegian aluminium and renewable energy company, Norsk Hydro ASA, was hit by a ransomware attack on March 19, 2019.1 The attack caused major impacts to company’s operations, as data on company’s...
Articles | Critical Infrastructure
Co-operation in protecting electric grid from cyber threats
The United States and the Baltic States agreed to co-operate in order to protect the Baltic energy grid from network attacks during the upcoming decoupling and desynchronization of Baltic grid from Ru...
Articles | Critical Infrastructure
The hacking-attack towards Jeff Bezos
On the first of May in 2018, Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos received on WhatsApp an unsolicited video file message from Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Sa...
Articles | Secure Communication
An executive order on the U.S. bulk-power system
The White House issued on May 1, 2020, an Executive Order on Securing the United States Bulk-Power System.1 The executive order states that the cyber threats against the bulk-power system2, and the su...
Articles | Critical Infrastructure
The U.S. and China tech rivalry escalates further
In early August, White House issued an Executive Order that threatened to ban TikTok, a hugely popular social media platform owned by Chinese ByteDance Ltd.1 With over 175 million downloads in the U.S...
Articles | Secure Communication
Cyber capabilities of extremist movements
Extremist movements have focused their cyber capabilities on protecting their own activities and promoting propaganda. Both political extremists and terrorist organisations make effective use of  the...
Articles | Secure Communication | Critical Infrastructure
Patient data is used for blackmail
Psychotherapy Center Vastaamo’s patient data breach and blackmail of patients in October 2020 is a critical example of the emergence of cyber threats. The crime has accumulated the largest numbe...
Articles | Secure Communication | Critical Infrastructure
Cybersecurity as a part of the management team agenda
This year, much has been said about the involvement and responsibility of corporate management in implementing cybersecurity. Several companies have been daunted by cyber crises, and for good reason,...
Articles | Secure Communication
The development of cyber capabilities at an individual level
Citizens’ cyber skills are important not only for them as individuals, but also as an important element in developing national crisis resilience. Citizens’ cyber skill level is directly propor...
Articles | Secure Communication
NFEA — Cybersecurity conference
We welcome you to join Sectra at NFEA cybersecurity event, where focus will be on security for OT systems within critical infrastructure. For more information about the event and to register, visit th...
Event | Managed detection and response | Secure Communication
Why healthcare IT security is so hard
The problems surrounding IT security in the healthcare sector are causing increasing levels of concern, both among healthcare professionals and in regulatory bodies. Over the past six months, there ha...
Articles | Critical Infrastructure
The cybersecurity of industrial automation systems
Industrial automation systems are a key component of critical infrastructure: They are used to monitor and control, for example, the distribution of electricity and water. Automation systems based on...
Articles | Critical Infrastructure
Minska skadliga effekter vid en leverantörskedjeattack
IT-attacker mot leverantörskedjan är en av de mest bekymmersamma riskfaktorerna för aktörer inom kritisk infrastruktur. I juni 2017 ledde ett intrång hos ett litet familjeföretag i Ukraina till...
Reduser skadelige effekter av et angrep i forsyningskjeden
IT-angrep på forsyningskjeden er en av de mest bekymringsfulle risikofaktorene for aktører i kritisk infrastruktur. I juni 2017 førte et innbrudd i en liten familiebedrift i Ukraina til verdens hit...
Logge og analysere data for kritiske IT/OT systemer
Med stadig økende krav til digitalisering og integrasjon av ulike OT systemer, følger også økt risiko i form av både utilsiktede og tilsiktede hendelser. I den forbindelse blir også industrielle kontrollsystemer (OT) i økende grad utsatt for cyberangrep. For å kunne oppdage hva som skjer i OT-systemene bør aktivitet på kritiske servere logges, lagres og […]
Cybersecurity for society’s critical functions
Leif Nixon has worked with IT security in all its forms for 20 years. He has both hacked and protected everything from thermostats to supercomputers. Today, he is a security expert at Sectra Communica...
Articles | Secure Communication | Critical Infrastructure
Upptäcka och anpassa sig till dagens cyberhot
Det är avgörande för verksamheter inom kritisk infrastruktur att deras förmåga för att upptäcka cybersäkerhetsrelaterade hot och risker möter en ständigt föränderlig hotbild. Detta är ext...
Oppdag og tilpass deg dagens cybertrusler
Det er avgjørende at alle virksomheter innenfor kritisk infrastruktur opparbeider seg kunnskap og evne til å oppdage cybersikkerhetsrelaterte trusler og risikoer i et stadig skiftende trusselbilde....
Lunchföreläsning Luleå Science Park
Hur möjliggör vi framtidens energisystem i en omvärld med ökande risker och hot? Den frågan kommer du få svar på av Anders Hansson, säkerhetsrådgivare inom kritisk infrastruktur på Sectra Co...
Event | Managed detection and response
Quantum technology—glimpses of potential technological advancements
Quantum theory’s most significant contribution to technology is arguably its contribution to semiconductor technology. Quantum theory allowed us to describe and understand semiconductor crystals, wh...
Articles | Critical Infrastructure | Secure Communication
The mythical air gap
That morning when I arrived at the office, I was met with shouts of, “There he is!” I’d like to be able to say that they were happy shouts, but unfortunately this was not the case. I was quickly...
Articles | Critical Infrastructure
Cryptography — The cornerstone of cybersecurity
Wanting to keep information secret and inaccessible to others is nothing new—cryptography is something we have used since ancient times. The reason is simple: if sensitive information falls into the...
Articles | Secure Communication
Upcoming events
Sectra attends and exhibits at many industry trade shows, conferences, and events worldwide. Find out here where you can meet us and experience our cybersecurity solutions next—scroll down to filter...
Cyberförsvarsdagen 2022
Du är varmt välkommen att följa med Sectra till Cyberförsvarsdagen 2022 i Stockholm. Cyberförsvarsdagen syftar till att lyfta dagens och framtida behov, utmaningar och möjligheter för ett väl...
Event | Secure Communication | Critical Infrastructure
Tips on working outside the usual office environment
Working remotely brings greater freedom and flexibility to your workday. New opportunities arise when work can be conducted from any place at any time. The change from the stationary office to working...
Articles | Secure Communication
Security updates in industrial control systems
Operators of industrial control systems, ICS, will need to change their risk models. This is admittedly a somewhat cryptic statement, but it may have far-reaching consequences. To understand what this...
Articles | Critical Infrastructure
Lösningar för offentlig sektor
Du är varmt välkommen att följa med Sectra till Lösningar för offentlig sektor 2022 på Kistamässan.   För mer information om mässan eller för att registrera dig, besök den officiella h...
Event | Managed detection and response | Secure Communication
Product | Managed detection and response
Tiden är rätt för Zero Trust
Frågan som många ställer sig just nu är; varför är det viktigt att verksamhetens lösning för fjärråtkomst baseras på Zero Trust principen? I samband med att organisationer och företag har...
False flag—dealing with a tainted crime scene
Last week marked the annual hacking and security conference SEC-T, which took place in Stockholm. The conference is a popular event in the security industry, with a focus on providing the audience wit...
Industry reflections | Secure Communication | Critical Infrastructure
Building control systems—the forgotten attack vector
Last week, it was at last time for this year’s SCADA security event in Stockholm, which this year focused on increasingly connected and intelligent control systems. Leif Nixon, security expert a...
Industry reflections | Critical Infrastructure
Threat Hunting – en metod för proaktivt säkerhetsarbete
Genom att arbeta förebyggande och metodiskt kan en verksamhet identifiera risker och hot i ett tidigt skede. Proaktivt säkerhetsarbete är därför en viktig del i att uppnå en balanserad säkerhet...
Threat hunting – en metode for proaktivt sikkerhetsarbeid
Ved å jobbe forebyggende og metodisk kan en potensiell trussel aktivitet identifisere risikoer og trusler på et tidlig stadium. Proaktivt sikkerhetsarbeid er derfor en viktig del av å oppnå balans...
Threat hunting—a method for proactive security work
By working preventively and methodically, a company can identify risks and threats at an early stage. Proactive security work is therefore an important part of achieving balanced security across all o...
Articles | Critical Infrastructure