Sectra publishes Annual Report and Sustainability Report for 2022/2023
Linköping – July 6, 2023 – Medical imaging IT and cybersecurity company Sectra (STO: SECT B) is publishing its Annual Report and Sustainability Report for the 2022/2023 fiscal year today. This report also includes the Corporate Governance Report for the same period.
The document is attached to this press release and is available on Sectra’s website,
A summary of the financial year is also available on the website. The 2022/2023 financial year in brief summarizes the value we create for various stakeholders, highlights from our operations, and a selection of financial performance measures.
This information constitutes information that Sectra AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out below, at 1:30 p.m. (CEST) on July 6, 2023.
About Sectra
Sectra contributes to a healthier and safer society by assisting health systems throughout the world to enhance the efficiency of care, and authorities and defense forces in Europe to protect society’s most sensitive information. The company, founded in 1978, is headquartered in Linköping, Sweden, with direct sales in 19 countries, and distribution partners worldwide. Sales in the 2022/2023 fiscal year totaled SEK 2,351 million. The Sectra share is quoted on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange. For more information, visit Sectra’s website.